Here we have given you all the code of C++ Programming Lnaguage, which are best for BCA and IT Students. To view and copy the code just double tap on the programs topic given below.

Hello World Program in C++.


#include <isotream.h>   //header file
#include <conio.h>   //header file
void main()
// Clearing Screen for removing Garbage Value

   cout<<"Hello World"<<endl;
// cout is used to print on screen

// For holding console window
Program to find Average of 5 numbers in C++.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
int a, b, c, d, e, avg;

cout<<"Enter the 4 numbers."<<endl;


   cout<<"The average of five numbers is "<<avg<<endl;
   getch(); }
Program to sum two numbers using Constructor.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class student
       public :
   int a, b, c ;

   student ()
   cout<<"Enter two numbers: "<<endl ;
   cin>>a>>b ;

   c = a + b ;
   cout<<" The sum of two numbers is: "<<c ;
   void main()
Program to find Factorial of a number using Function.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
void fact()
int a, b, f=1;

   cout<<"Enter a number: "<<endl;

for (b=a ; b>0 ; b--)
f = f * b;

cout<<" Factorial of "<<a<<" is: "<<f;
void main()
Program to Implement a class in C++.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class student   // Here 'student' is the name of class
   public:  // Access Specifier
   char a[10] ;
   int b ;

   void mydata (void);  // Function declaration inside class
} ;

void student :: mydata (void)   // Function Calling where ' :: ' is scope resolution operator
   cout<<"Enter your name: "<<endl ;

   cout<<"Enter your age: "<<endl ;

   cout<<"So your name is "<<a<<" and age is "<<b ;
void main()
   student x ;  // Creating object(x) for class(student)
   x.mydata();  // Function Invoking using dot operator
Program to implement Single Level Inheritance.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>

class A
   char name[10];
   int a;
   void student (void)
   cout<<"Enter your name: "<<endl;

class B : public A
   void age (void)
   cout<<"Enter your age: "<<endl;

void main()
 B m;
// Creating object for class B
// As class B also contains public elements of class A

Program to implement a Class using 2 member Function.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class student  // Here 'student' is the name of class
   public:  // Access Specifier
   char a[20];
   int b;
   void getdata (void);   // Function Declaration inside class
   void displaydata (void);   // Function Declaration inside class

void student :: getdata (void)   // Function Calling where ' :: ' is scope resolution operator
   cout<<"Enter your name: "<endl;
   cout<<"Enter your age: "<<endl;
void student :: displaydata (void)   //Function Calling
   cout<<"So, your name is "<<a<<endl;
   cout<<"So, your age is "<<b<<endl;
void main()
   student x;   // Creating object(x) for class(student)
   x.getdata();   // Function Invoking using dot operator
Program of a Constructor in C++.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class student
    public :
    char a[10] ;
    int b;

student ()   // Constructor has same name as of class name
    cout<<"Enter your name: "<<endl ;

    cout<<"Enter your age: "<<endl ;

void mydata (void)  // Member Fuction Calling inside class
cout<<"So your name is "<<a<<" and age is "<<b ;
void main()
 student x ;   // Object (x) is created for Function (mydata)
 x.mydata();   // Constructor is invoked automatically
Program to find sum of 2 numbers using Constructor.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class student
public :
int a, b, c ;

student ()
   cout<<"Enter two numbers: "<<endl ;
   cin>>a>>b ;

   c = a + b ;
   cout<<"The sum of two numbers is: "<<c ;
void main()
Program to implement Inline Function.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>

inline float average (float a, float b)
  return ((a+b)/2);

inline int addition (int c, int d)
  return (c+d);

void main()
   int x, y;

   cout<<"Enter two values: "<<endl;

   cout<<"The average of the numbers is: "<<average (x, y)<<endl;

   cout<<"The addition of two numbers is: "<<addition (x, y)<<endl;

Program to implement Function Overloading in C++.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
void num (int a, int b)
   cout<<"The addition is: "<<a+b<<endl;

void num (float c, float d)   //Same function name, different data types
   cout<<"The division is: "<<c/d<<endl;

void main()
   int x, y;
   float w, z;

   cout<<"Enter the numbers for addition: "<<endl;

   cout<<"Enter the numbers for division: "<<endl;

Program to Implement Multiple Inheritance.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>

class A
char name[10];
void student (void)
cout<<"Enter your name: "<<endl;

class B
 int a;
 void age (void)
cout<<"Enter your age: "<<endl;

class C : public B, public A
 void data (void)
 cout<<"So, your name is "<<name<<" and your age is "<<a<<endl;

void main()
   C x;
Program to implement Multi-Level Inheritance.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class A
    int a;
   char name[10];
   void student (void)
   cout<<"Enter your name: "<<endl;

class B : public A
   void marks (void)
   cout<<"Enter your age: "<<endl;

class C : public B
   void data (void)
   cout<<"So, your name is: "<<name;
   cout<<" and age is: "<<a;

void main()
   C m;
// Creating object for class C as it contains all public elements of class A & B
Program ot implement Namespace in C++.


Use CodeBlocks for this program

#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

namespace first
void function (void)
   cout<<"This is first function."<<endl;

namespace second  // Different Namespace name
   void function (void)  // Same function name
    cout<<"This is second function."<<endl;

int main()
    first :: function();
    second :: function();
    return 0;
Program to adding two numbers using Function Template.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>

template <class BCA>
BCA sum (BCA n1, BCA n2)
    return (n1+n2);

class BCA
    int a, b;
    void mydata (void);
void BCA :: mydata (void)
    cout<<"Enter two numbers: "<< endl;

    cout<<"The addition is: "<<sum(a, b);

void main()
    BCA x;
    x.mydata ();
Program to implement Operator Overloading.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class BCA
    int rollno;
    float age;
    char grade;

BCA (int rn, float ag, char g)
    rollno = rn;
    age = ag;
    grade = g;

void operator ++ (int)
    rollno = rollno + 1;
    age = age + 1;
    grade = grade + 1;

void main()
  BCA obj(20, 5.0, 'A');
  cout<<"Before overloading, valuess's variables are: \n";

  cout<<"\n After overloading, values's of variables are: \n";
Program to find teh Fibonacci Series Using Constructor.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class fibonacci
   int a, b, x, y, z;

fibonacci ()
 x= 0;
 y= 1;
 cout<<"Enter a positive integer: "<<endl;

cout<<"The Fibonacci Series is: "<<endl;
for ( b=1; b<=a; ++b)
    z = x + y;
    x = y;
    y = z;

void main()
   fibonacci x;
Program for finding greatest numbers between two numbers using Function Template.


#include <isotream.h>
#include <conio.h>
template <class BCA>

BCA large (BCA n1, BCA n2)
   return (n1>n2)?n1:n2;

class BCA
   int a, b;
   void mydata (void);

void BCA :: mydata (void)
   cout<<"Enter two numbers: "<<endl;

   cout<<"The larger numbers is: "<<large(a, b);

void main()
   BCA x;
   x.mydata ();